Learn how to make your very own retro 2D platformer game
We will be returning to your screens with another batch of awesome, free live streams and ticketed expansion tutorials.
During these online sessions, you’ll learn how to design and code your own retro 2D platformer using MakeCode Arcade. We will cover everything you need to know to go from an idea to publishing a playable computer game online.
You’ll get hands-on learning about:
- MakeCode Arcade (Block-Based & JavaScript Coding)
- Pixel Art
- Designing Character and Sprites
- Coding Power-Ups
- Adding Animation
- Offline Level Design
- Multi-Level Games
- Secret Rooms
- Boss Building
- Custom Enemy Behavures
- Music & Special Effects
- Exporting Finished Games
This is a 3 week course
Episode 1 – Hero Design: 7th July 2020 at 14:00
Expansion Pack 1 – Power Ups and Animations: 10th July 2020 at 10:00
Episode 2 – Level Design: 14th July 2020 at 14:00
Expansion Pack 2 – Secret Rooms: 17th July 2020 at 10:00
Episode 3 (Live Stream) – Boss Building: 21st July 2020 at 14:00
Expansion Pack 3 – Music and Special Effects: 17th June 2020 at 10:00
Live Streamed Sessions:
We will be broadcasting the live streamed session across our social media channels. Below are some of the places you can watch us in real-time:
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/MakoCreateUK/live_videos/
Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/makocreateuk/videos
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/makocreateuk/
Twitter / Periscope – https://twitter.com/MakoCreateUK
Expansion Pack Sessions:
We will be delivering the expansion packs via Zoom.
No previous experience is needed to take part in this workshop, meaning it’s perfect for beginners. We suggest a minimum age of 8 for our activities. If you’re not quite old enough why not see if an adult can stay and help you.
Live Streamed Sessions:
FREE! That’s right all of the live streamed sessions are free thanks to the support of Arts Council England. If you would like to help support us deliver these sessions we always appreciate donations to our non-profit MakoDigital Arts CIC.
Expansion Pack Sessions:
Our Expansion Pack Sessions are for a small group of up to 15 participants. These closed sessions are delivered using Zoom which allows the participants to speak directly to the tutor during the session. Tickets for these sessions are £10 plus booking fees.
Due to the sessions being of a digital nature you will need:
- A device connected to the internet, to watch the tutor’s video stream, or to access the Zoom meeting if you’re taking part in our Expansion Pack session
- Another device connected to the internet (we recommend a computer or laptop) to create your game on via the MakeCode Arcade Website
Episode 1 (Live Stream) – Hero Design:
Let’s mash-up some retro heroes.
This is the first episode in our Retro Video Game Mash-Up project.
During this session, you will be designing your very own Hero. You could make your own version of Super Mario, or try mashing up your favourite characters into one, or a completely custom character, unique to you. Either way, we will be here to show you how to design a cool looking pixel art character.
Tuesday 7th July 2020 at 14:00
Check out Pauls code
This is Pauls finished game from Week 1, you can play his game, or edit his code and make it your own.
Expansion Pack 1 – Power Ups and Animations:

Let’s mash-up some Animated Collectibles.
This is the first expansion pack in our Retro Video Game Mash-Up project.
During this session, you will be designing your very own animated collectables for your hero to find and collect. You could make your own version of Super Mario Coins or Sonic’s rings, or try mashing up your favourite collectables into one, or a completely custom and unique to you. Either way, we will be here to show you how to design a cool looking pixel art.
Friday 10th July 2020 at 10:00am to 11:00am
Episode 2 (Live Stream) – Level Design:
Let’s mash-up some retro platformers.
This is the second episode in our Retro Video Game Mash-Up project.
During this session, you will be designing your very own platformer by creating levels for your game. When designing and creating your game you might want to make your own version of Sonic or try mashing up your favourite games into one, or a completely custom unique to you. Either way, we will be here to show you how to design an awesome pixel art platformer.
Tuesday 14th July 2020 at 14:00
Check out Pauls code
This is Pauls finished game from Week 2, you can play his game, or edit his code and make it your own.
Expansion Pack 2 – Secrete Rooms:

Let’s mash-up some Secret Locations.
In our second expansion pack in our Retro Video Game Mash-Up project, we will be coding secret locations into our games.
During this session, you will be designing your very secret locations/shortcut or passageway. You could recreate Super Mario pipes or secret pictures in Ocarina of time or try mashing up your favourite hidden locations. Either way, we will be here to help you design awesome secret, hidden easter eggs in your games.
Friday 17th July 2020 at 10:00am to 11:00am
Episode 3 (Live Stream) – Boss Building:
Let’s mash-up some retro Villains.
In the final episode of our Retro Video Game Mash-Up project we will be boss building.
During this session, you will be designing your very own Boss. You might want to make a version of your favourite villain whether that is Dr Robotic, Bowser or Ganon, or even mashing up your favourite characters into one, or a completely custom character, unique to you. Either way, we will be here to show you how to design badass pixel art villains.
Tuesday 21st July 2020 at 14:00 to 15:00
Check out Pauls code
This is Pauls finished game from Week 3, you can play his game, or edit his code and make it your own.
Expansion Pack 3 – Music and Special Effects:

Let’s mash-up some Music and Special Effects.
This is the third and final expansion pack in our Retro Video Game Mash-Up project.
During this session, we will be showing you how to add music, sound effects and special effects to your games. Every great platformer has iconic music from Super Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, Legend of Zelda, so it’s time to create your own or try mashing up your favourites into one. Either way, we will be here to show you how to put the finishing touches to your awesome platformer.
Friday 24th July 2020 at 10:00am to 11:00am
Submit your mashed-up Boss Design for a chance to get a shout out!
Each week we will be giving a shout out to some of our favourite video game mash-ups. Submit before Sunday 26th July for your chance to have your game appear on our Facebook Page
This project has been supported by the Lottery Arts Council Fund, without their help this wouldn’t have been possible.
Thank you to all Lottery Players, you’re the reason this has happened!
If you’re on Twitter, check them out via: @TNLUK @dcms and @ace_national
If you’re on instagram, check them out via: @TNLUK @dcmsgovuk and @aceagrams
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