Time has flown and another project is now done and dusted. After a year’s work following our successful application to be part of the Wolfson Project. We were able to train staff to carry out their own digital workshops in libraries.
Wolfson is a charity foundation that awards grants to support and promote excellence across a number of fields of science, education, and the arts.
Mako Create worked across six different libraries in Manchester. The aim was to develop the skills of staff, preparing them to host their own digital workshops within a library venue.

The libraries involved did not use iPads before this project. This led us to installing and setting up 180 iPads split between the six venues. Allowing for easy preparation for training that required specific apps.
We understand how implementing new technology can be a complex process. To combat this we directed a training programme to ensure that all library staff could use iPads.
We hosted an introductory session on iPad training as well. We also designed videos for internal use to take away from our sessions.

Training Library Staff
We visited each library to deliver training to the staff. The first training session focused on basic iPad skills and the creative ways they can be used in a community environment.
To give the staff experience of running their own creative workshops with different audiences. We carried out the training sessions in a live environment. This resulted in each library co-delivering a workshop to schools, families and young people.
Workshops Delivered
- Stop Motion Animation
- Computer Game Design
- eBook Creation
- Comic Book Design
- Film Making
- Digital Music Making
- Green Screen Video Workshops
In total we ran 24 workshops across the six libraries in Manchester
Our work led to library staff getting a first hand experience of our expert teachings with young people. Our hands on approach with clear teachings meant that everybody in the sessions were able follow and partake.
Through co-delivering sessions, staff felt confident in planning, and using technology to run the workshops. As a result, libraries involved in this project are now running their own workshops.
E-learning Resources
Workshop Materials

What They Said
Final Thoughts
We would like to thank all six libraries and the people involved for their co-operation in the Wolfson Project. We thoroughly enjoyed delivering the programme. During the course, we saw a huge difference in staff’s digital abilities and knowledge.
It’s amazing to see that this training programme has led to the libraries organising and running their own creative digital workshops.