Introducing Our On-Demand Service

Introducing Our On-Demand Service

We’re pleased to announce our library of On-Demand content is now available. Whether we've filled all our places or you catch us in-between provisions of face-to-face workshops the On-Demand section allows you to get creative at home. Our varied and growing selection...

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Mako on the Move

Mako on the Move

Mako Create has moved! We’re still proud to call Halton our home but after over a decade in the centre of Widnes we've snuck across the bridge to Culture HQ, inside Runcorn's Shopping City. During Halton’s Borough of Culture year there is no better place for us to be...

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Return of the Mak….o (Halton Youth Provision)

Return of the Mak….o (Halton Youth Provision)

We are over the moon to announce that we have been successful in our funding application for the Halton Youth Fund with Halton Borough Council. This funding will see our long-awaited return to delivering universal youth provision in Halton. Recently we have been...

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Halton MakeFest will be returning for 2021

Halton MakeFest will be returning for 2021

HALTON MAKEFEST IS RETURNING! We're super excited to announce that we will be collaborating with local creatives from the Halton area to host another Halton MakeFest. Next years event is scheduled to take place on 20th February 2021 at Halton Lea Library. We can't...

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Halton MakeFest 2020: A Volunteers Perspective

Halton MakeFest 2020: A Volunteers Perspective

On Saturday 22nd Feburary, MakoCreate got to open the doors to Halton MakeFest. An event we organised to help bring together the local creatives of Halton. If you'd like to find out more about what a MakeFest is, click here. On the day we had a plethora of voulenteers...

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