We’re pleased to announce our library of On-Demand content is now available. Whether we’ve filled all our places or you catch us in-between provisions of face-to-face workshops the On-Demand section allows you to get creative at home. Our varied and growing selection includes content we created during the recent Covid-19 lockdown and beyond, when we were unable to meet participants in the community, and covers topics including:
- Digital animation
- Video game design
- Micro:Bit coding
- Pixel art
- Graphic design
- Glitch art
Due to Covid-19 projects such as Bubble Up: Cultivate Creativity were originally developed as face-to-face experiences but had to be transferred to a virtual environment. Thankfully we are able to host much of that online content here for new participants to use long after the sessions were originally delivered.
So feel free to enjoy our On-Demand content whenever, wherever and keep an eye out for new additions to this service soon.
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