The Venue
We were lucky enough to visit the beautiful Central Library in Liverpool, as part of MakeFest 2019. This wasn’t our first time at MakeFest as we’ve worked with them multiple times throughout the years. The venue itself is amazing, spanning over multiple floors, each bustling with activities. We were on the top floor, which features a balcony with stunning views of the city and a fantastic glass roof that really brightened up our workshop.
We had our drones out in flight, which was rather fitting considering all the aerodynamic related contributors that were working near us during our time at MakeFest.
Our Code-A-Drone workshop is incredibly flexible, we can deliver it as a 1 hour+ workshop or even as an after school club that (normally) runs over six weeks, with one session per week. Structuring it in this manner allows for more complex coding, and more intensive courses to be navigated.
However, for Makefest we decided to run a drop-in & drop-out session as this better suited the environment we were working in. This did mean the coding aspect wasn’t as complex, yet it was the perfect taster for those wanting to get into Code-A-Drone.
We had the tablets set up on tables with a “cheat sheet” to help everyone quickly get to grips with the fundamentals, although these cheat sheets were rarely needed as our staff was very attentive and informative when it came to explaining how the activity works.
The challenge we set was a simple assault course for the drones to go through. Our programmers needed to navigate through a hoop, a change of direction and finally land into our safe zone in doing so, earning some Haribos and a Code-A-Drone pilot badge.
It wasn’t just young people flying drones, as we had parents, some members of Makefest and other Makers try out coding. Our fun and educational workshop doesn’t have an age limit, if you or anyone you know is interested in hosting us, please get in touch; regardless of the age group!
Below is a gallery of some of the images we took on the day. If you or anyone you know got any photos or videos please do tag us on your preffered social media platform.
Who do we cater for? Anyone & Everyone!
If you or someone you know is interested please get in touch via the button below.