So it’s here – The potential educational game changer has been unleashed unto the world and Apple have announced that they sold 3 million new iPads in just 3 days, and it is estimated that around 2 million of those were iPad Mini’s. So, is it just a stocking filler for the up and coming holiday season or is there a bit more to the iPad’s smaller sibling? We asked in our previous blog post “Who really needs another new iPad?” – MakoEducation thinks that the answer to that question is students and schools.

Why? It’s simple really:

  • It’s smaller – ideal for commuting and stuffing into a school bag
  • More affordable compared to it’s bigger brother
  • More varied and better quality apps (compared to rival Microsoft, Google and Amazon devices).
  • Almost all students already know how to use iOS devices.
  • And most importantly for the students – It’s cool

iPad Mini Pricing & Availability

Apple iPad MathBoard App

The iPad mini price in the UK starts from £269 for the Wi-Fi only 16GB tablet, which for most schools and students would be the winning choice. The iPad mini UK price then jumps up to £349 for the 32GB iPad mini and £429 for the 63GB WiFi only model. 3G versions are avaibile, which could be fantasitc news for field trips or working on the go, however with that added functionality comes more cost, both in hardware and subscriptions. But fear not schools, with more and more mobile data options available, such as mobile phone tethering (where you can essentially get your WiFi enabled device to piggy back your phones internet connection) or Three’s fantastic “MiFi” devices, schools do have more options than they may have initially thought.

Full details and specs can be found from Apple here.